Friday, April 20, 2007

Starbucks Nation

This was too cute to pass up the photo opportunity. She decided to skip the cereal and go right to coffee. She is her father's daughter. Do you think the Venti was too big? Well she does have a big day of eating, playing and oh wait sleeping!!! Maybe next time we will just get the Tall.

*No babies were harmed in the making of this photo :) *

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Feed me Mommy!

Yea! Mica is ready for a little more nourishment. Okay, the truth is I was planning on waiting until 6mo to give her anything else besides breast milk but at our last doctors appointment our doctor suggested that a little rice cereal might help her sleep longer at night. Hmmm it took about 5 min. to drive to the store and get a little cereal and baby food prune style. I am not sure she actually ingested any of the cereal the first night but the next day she managed to get a little prune in her tummy - I'll spare the details on how I know this for sure :) I have my fingers crossed that she actually eats some tonight because mommy wants to remember what its like to sleep for more than two hours at a time. But as sleep deprived as I am I would not trade her for anything.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Happy Easter

Mica's first Easter! She is still to little for any egg hunts or Easter baskets but its always a good time for pictures. We even convinced daddy to play along for a little while :) She is growing so fast I cant believe she is going to be 4 months old in just a few days. She can almost sit up now maybe by next month and we work on rolling over every night during tummy time but I think that will be a little while also. But she is really working her little hands. Now she can put things to her mouth and pull out the binky and sometimes she gets it back in on her own. The increase in drool and constant chewing make mommy a little nervous - teeth are coming soon.