Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
What? Do I have something on my face?

Mica is such a big girl now, she thinks she can feed herself. Dinner time is a little more . . . hmmmm . . . challenging now that she thinks she needs to be holding the spoon. We usually start out with two spoons, one for me to feed her with and the other one for her to make a mess. She is no where near getting the food from the dish to her mouth on her own but she still likes to try. As you can see she gets it all over her hands and then rubs her face and well its just a big mess. Maybe she knows if she makes a big enough mess she will end up in the bath tub and get to splash around a little.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Look at me now!

Mica has been sitting up on her own for a few weeks now. I still have to sit with her because she gets so excited when she plays and her little arms go flying around. When the crazy arms start moving her big head can't keep up and she ends up teetering over on to her head. I have to say she recovers well, there are a few tears in the beginning but she shakes it off and wants to keep playing. So most of the time I sit behind her to avoid such an ordeal.
It has been a few days sense she has wanted to play because she has been really sick. Awww her first childhood illness. OK not one of my favorite milestones. She started getting really fussy and just not acting like herself so I took her to the doctor and they said she was fine and thought maybe she might be teething. Well the next day there were no teeth but she did have a fever. This can also be a sign of teeth working in, but she still did not have any to show me. The fever continued for the next day and I took her back to the doctor. I'm sure they know the sound of my voice at the doctors office and Mica's chart is labeled with a big florescent sicker noting "Crazy first time mom." After all the poking and prodding they do to young babies the doctor gave me a few options of possible illnesses. Who know babies were so complex? One of those options was Roseola, a common childhood virus that presents with a fever for 4 or 5 days and then when the fever breaks a big red rash covers the body. And that is what happened she had a fever for about 4 days and then poof red rash all over her tiny little body. It was very sad. She didn't want anyone to hold her but me and I was flattered for about 5 min until I discovered that I could not set her down anywhere or have Steve hold her without her bursting into tears, it was the most pathetic thing I have herd yet. Thankfully she is back to normal and daddy can hold is little girl again :)
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Goodbye Swiss Sister
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