She had more fun playing in the garden

We went to our first Easter egg hunt today. Lets just say it was an experience. In my happy little world I pictured Mica running through the grassy field picking up eggs and putting them in her cute little basket. We even practiced in the living room, I gave her the basket and hid eggs in the sofa cushions and around the living room - she loved it. Little did I know this would be the highlight of our egg hunting experience. We arrived at the Oregon Gardens for the hunt, and it was a beautiful day and the gardens were amazing. So we lined up around a roped off area along with many other parents. The organizers made announcements that all parents were to stay behind the rope and just let the kids look for eggs, they would be there to assist and make sure all kids got some. Well they said "go" and the scene to follow reminded me a someone dropping a Snickers bar on an ant hill. It was a frenzy of moms and dads grabbing eggs and putting them in baskets - apparently the need to live vicariously though your child starts early. Mica and I both stood there stunned and overwhelmed. Luckily the Easter bunny came by and put an egg in her basket and some candy. The up side to this is that we spent the afternoon in the beautiful Oregon Gardens and the weather was perfect, and that doesn't happen very often around this time of year.