Sunday, June 27, 2010


Mica and I make lunch

Kayden is just relaxing


Kayden's first hair cut.

Kayden"s First Birthday

While we were in Arizona Kayden had his first birthday and his first chocolate cake! He has been hooked ever sense.

Christmas 2009

Its harder and harder for Mica to share the spot light

We had a good Christmas this year.  Dad gave us the gift of flight - we all packed up and went to see my Grandparents in Arizona. I had never travelled with children before and it was a little complicated but not as bad as I thought.  I can't wait to travel with them when we don't have to haul around car seats though - that was by far the most complicated part.

While we were there we had a chance play a little and went to a zoo out side of Phoenix.

Kayden, Mica, cousins Trevor and Natalie

Where Did We Go?

Ok I kinda for got to post for the last oh 6 months :)  I will try to do a quick catch up and then keep at it. Sorry to all of you who have been following my blog!
12/2009 Kayden getting an early Christmast gift from "German Sister" Kate
12/08/09 Mica in the tutu I made for her birthday